This trick is when you use cash you save any
$5 bill you see, you don’t Spend it no matter what, and you can use any other
currency but $5 you have to save. It’s an easy trick that can amount to so
Why is it not resourceful today?
this trick has a flaw, a lot of people consider using digital cash
more often than not, which makes it harder to get bills and money these days,
bills are becoming extinct. Instead we should re-vamp it, to how about anytime you
spend a certain amount of money.
let’s say for example $20 we save $5 out of what you have
spent, It’s a slower production but does not hit any blocks for when the
digital age has taken over, so this trick can be used way into the future.
its harder to get a $5 these days, most are in change, or we have to get a $10
or $20, as most bank machines these days don’t really give out 5.