by Katara
Needs are things that people have to have to survive healthily (eg. Clothing, food, water, shelter.). But wants are things we desire to have but don’t need at all (eg. A new video game or movie). Abbie definition/ example- “food water shelter space. Things you can’t live without that falls into this category, yawl need Jesus. Wants are luxuries, things that will be nice to have but you can live without.
Is internet a need or want? Abbie/Giana: Internet is a need, because people need it for jobs, schools, and getting a house.
Is drugs a need or want?
A drug is a want in the beginning but, if you have been using it for a while, there is a possibility that stopping could kill you. So it becomes a need, coming slowly off of it is the way. not all at once.
Why is this important to know?
it is important to know because people need to know what we need over what we want, most people chose drugs or video games over food and rent most times in their life, so we have to remind ourselves of what we actually need. Drugs may be a need if you’re dug deep into it, slowly getting off it is the best plan, not all at once, and it could cause more damage.
Why is this important to know?
it is important to know because people need to know what we need over what we want, most people chose drugs or video games over food and rent most times in their life, so we have to remind ourselves of what we actually need. Drugs may be a need if you’re dug deep into it, slowly getting off it is the best plan, not all at once, and it could cause more damage.