Monday, May 28, 2018

"Bank Budget apps"

By David

I started to use an app called TD myspend that went with my online banking. The app is separate from the regular online banking app; this app tracks how much you spend each month and puts them into different categories: Needs and wants. In “wants” it shows how much cash you have taken out, how much money you spent on eating out, shopping, entertainment, travel, and fees. In “needs” it shows: how much money you spend on your home (or how much you spent at any hardware store in that month all combined), Groceries (or how much you spent at any grocery store for that month all combined), Transportation, Education, Utilities, and health. It also shows your typical spending for each thing in both categories if you spend above your typical it will notify you and the notification will show up red, if you spend close to your typical spending it will show up yellow and if you spend decently lower than your typical it will show up green. Also if you click on the all categories button it shows all your transactions for that month.

 Helping you save
The whole point of the app is to help you try to spend less and save more. I personally need to really work on my spending and try to bring it down; I thought I was doing pretty well until I saw the numbers of how much I spent on “wants” on my screen.  It also has line graphs that show you how much you spent over the month and it has an area to show you what date it spiked up and how much it spiked by/how much you spent to make it spike and it also shows a line of your typical spending on the graph to show you how much more or how much less you spend than your typical spending.   

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