By Lauren
The saving idea grow the gap is for people to grow the gap
between what they earn and what they spend. The importance of this saving idea
is to look more at what you’re earning and what you’re spending. Most people
will try to earn more and spend less. Even though they may not notice lots of
people spend less money every day, for example if you go to a restaurant and
you see something you really want for $15 but you also notice a cheaper option
for $10 even though it’s not what you wanted you still settle for it and go
with that option which is saving you money. People also are saving a lot more
on bigger things that include, houses, cars, etc. Basically this saving idea is
just getting people to save up their money and when they do have to spend their
money then it’s basically trying to get you to spend the least amount possible.
I think this is a good saving idea as
lots of people already do it. I would definitely recommend this saving idea to
people as its pretty simple to do.